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Every error includes a code, the HTTP status code, a short detail, and an additional meta can be used to help the YouCan support team investigate in your error quickly.

Errors Types

HTTP statusDescription
404The resource requested not found or deleted
405Method not allowed this error happened when the endpoint requested doesn't support the current request types
422Unprocessable entity this error happened when the request doesn't respect the validation ex: missing required field, invalid fields type
500500 Internal Server Error this error is generic happened when something got wrong in the service side while processing the request


Not found

  "message": "item not found"

Validation error

  "message": "The id field is required. (and 1 more error)",
  "errors": {
    "id": ["The id field is required."],
    "status": ["The status field is required."]

Unsupported request type error

  "detail": "The POST method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE.",
  "meta": []

Internal error

  "detail": "internal error"